Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Change in Publishing

Now that I'm an official Rose in The Wild Rose Press Garden, I've been thinking more about how publishing has changed and continues to change.

First I have to say that I am impressed with the professionalism of this publisher and the fact that the editors go out of their way to assist their writers. I don't feel like a small cog in a large wheel. I've been made to feel welcomed and important.

That's one of the differences I've personally noted. I was told by my TWRP editor that if I hadn't heard anything from her in 2 months, to email her. I hadn't heard, so I emailed her and with a few days, they had accepted my novella. What a difference from the Berkley editor who requested my paranormal mystery manuscript and forgot about me and it, even ignoring two emails after a year.

Now I'm wondering if the "new" publishing houses: TWRP, Ellora's Cave, etc - the ones that start with pdf versions of a book and then go to print - are the wave of the future. Small, independent publishers that don't have to worry about immediate distribution, returns from bookstores, etc. These publishers seem to concentrate on Romance; however, that is the largest market.

If this is the beginning of a New Era in Publishing, I'm thrilled to be a part of it.
I've tried the "New York House" too many times and have heard nothing from editors who I met at conferences and who requested a partial or even a full manuscript. That's not only rude but poor business practices. Would I still want Elizabeth Peacock and the Body on Abby Road to be a Berkley book? Oh, course. Do I think that will ever happen? Doubful.

In the meantime, I will write for and submit to TWRP and EC.
My time is valuable and I can't wait years for an editor's rejection - or acceptance.

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