Sunday, October 24, 2010

Thoughts on NJRW

I have a request from Alex Logan of Grand Central Publishing. I have to reread the manuscript and get it ready to send off.

I saw so many people I haven't seen for a couple of years (missed NJRW last year) but couldn't chat - laryngitis.

It was wonderful to see Dianne Gerber/Autumn Jordan win the Golden Leaf for Evil's Witness. I was sitting next to her and the vibes were so positive. Dianne has worked diligently at her writing and deserved to win this award - besides, it was a great book.

If you EVER, EVER, EVER have a chance to hear Bob Mayer speak on the Warrior Writer and/or the change in publishing that's happening fast and furious, run to the conference. He was great!
Heather: He may be developing his own conference in Seattle. If he does, WE ARE GOING!!!

Some new favorites (because I learned from their workshops/keynote) that you will read about on
Robyn Carr
Hannah Howell
Virginia Kantra

And I would be remiss if I didn't mention that Judi Fennel of Valley Forge Romance Writers also won a Golden Leaf.

If you can't get to National (which on 2011 is in NYC and I am going!), then you MUST go to NJRW. And you don't have to be writing romance to enjoy this conference and learn from the great writers who present.

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